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Check out why tutors choose TutorGenie

Whether you are an experienced tutor or new to tutoring, TutorGenie is extremely easy to set up and use. As educators we understand what’s needed to ensure high quality tutoring. Our virtual classroom has everything you requite to perform outstanding teaching and learning. Set up your free profile and get paid straight into your bank account. Why not give it a go today?

Select your own subjects

Choose the subjects you wish to teach, create classes, and start your tutoring career.

Set your own rates

No travel commitments. Work from anywhere. Start earning today

Teach anytime, anywhere

Choose your hourly rate and change it any time. If you are unsure of what to charge, check out the suggested rates below.

Earning Calculator
Use the below calculator to estimate your earnings

Find out what you could earn per month

0.00 Per Month
Add the information in form based on your capability and you will get the approx. earning per month.

These estimates are net of TutorGenie fees. See fee structure here

Suggested Rates

Check the average hourly cost of tutoring

These rates are from research conducted by TutorGenie in the UAE market

. Lesson Activities Cost Per Single Class These rates are based on one hour classes

  • Primary / Elementary 150 -200AED
  • Secondary / Middle 200-300AED
  • GCSE 300-400AED
  • A – Level 350-450AED
  • University 350-450AED
  • Specialist areas 400AED +
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