About TutorGenie
What subjects and ages do TutorGenie cover?
What support does TutorGenie offer?
What is TutorGenie
Can I use the TutorGenie on tablets and mobile devices?
How can I use TutorGenie to manage my bookings?
How do I send and receive messages?
Do tutors have a background check?
How do I make contact with a tutor?
Why do you need my card details?
How do I change my card details?
Do I get a receipt?
About online tuition
Our Tutors
For parents & students - do tutors have a background check?
How do I know that I’m getting a great tutor?
When requesting a tutor, how will I find the right one?
How do I know that I’m getting a great tutor?
What is your tutor set-up process?
How do I avail of the 15 minute free call with a tutor?
Your Lessons
How can I cancel a lesson?
How do I rate a tutor?
Where do classes and activities take place?
How can I leave my tutor a rating and review?
Why has my lesson been cancelled?
How do I book and pay for lessons?
What is your cancellation policy?
What happens when a class has been moved by a tutor?
How are lessons booked?
How do I share a document?
How can I share my work with my tutor?
How do I start my online lesson?
Payments & Refunds
Can I request a refund?
How much does a tutoring session cost?
How do I request a refund if a lesson does not take place or I am not happy with the service provided?
What do I do if I have a failed payment?
Are my payment details safe?
How and when do I pay for lessons?
Using TutorGenie- General Questions
I've forgotten my password!
How do I delete my account?
What do I need to use the online lesson feature?
Which browser should I use for online sessions?
How can I improve my internet connection?
How do I enable my microphone and camera?
What are the minimum hardware requirements for using the Online tuition feature?
My video/microphone isn’t working, what do I do?
The audio on my online lesson isn't working, what do I do?
The audio in the online interactive classroom feature is delayed, fuzzy or echo-ey, can this be fixed?
The TutorGenie online interactive classroom feature isn’t loading, what do I do?
Why am I getting a message saying, "Can't connect. Device not found" when I go to join the online room?
Virtual Classroom
How can I send documents to my tutor?
How many students can be in a class?
How do I go back to the virtual classroom after screen sharing?
About TutorGenie
Where do classes or activities take place?
What is TutorGenie?
How much does it cost to use TutorGenie?
How often do I have to tutor?
Can I tutor outside of the UAE?
How do I get bookings?
Become a Tutor
I don’t have a formal teaching qualification, can I still tutor with you?
I live quite far from the city where tutoring opportunities have been advertised, can I still sign up?
Do I need to have a background check before I can tutor?
How do I get listed on your website?
Your Tutor Profile
How much should I charge?
What should I write in my bio?
What subjects can I teach through TutorGenie?
How does TutorGenie value trust?
Why do you require my ID?
My ID check has failed.Why?
What happens after I complete my profile?
How do I get reviews and ratings for my profile?
How do I upload a video about myself to my profile?
Using TutorGenie- General Questions
Can I use TutorGenie on tablets and mobile devices?
How can I use TutorGenie to manage my classes or activities?
How do I cancel lessons?
What if I need to reschedule a lesson?
How do I respond to student messages?
How do I create a new class?
How can I edit my bio or personal details?
What is the jobs board for?
How do I avail of the 15 minute free video call with prospective students?
Tutoring with us
How will students/parents contact me?
How do I make contact with parents or students?
Can I change my class rate or charge a different rate for different classes?
What does edit class mean?
Am I employed by TutorGenie?
Your Lessons
What do I do if a lesson runs over the agreed time?
How do I receive a booking?
What if I need to cancel a booking?
What is your cancellation policy?
How do I get paid for lessons or classes?
When do I get paid?
Why have I not been paid?
Your TutorGenie Account
Are my bank details and ID safe?
What if I forget my password?
How do I change my password?
Tutoring Online
About online tuition
What do I need to use the Online Tuiton feature?
Which browser should I use for my online tuition sessions?
Can I use my phone or tablet for online sessions if I need to?
Do I need to have a headset with built in microphone?
How do I create an online tuition booking?
How do I start my online tuition session?
Virtual Classroom
Can I practice using the virtual classroom before I deliver a lesson?
How do I admit students to my classroom?
How many students can I have in a class?
After I shared my screen I have a black screen. What do I do?
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